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Accreditation & CPD Management

Streamline the entire accreditation process

Today's world moves and changes at an alarming rate, most industries require their practitioners to continue their education to stay relevant and up to date with industry laws, best practices, recent trends. Streamline the entire accreditation process and reduce administrative burden.

CPD management software system wizBank Cyberwisdom

Coresoft offers the most comprehensive CPD management solution enabling associations to create standard or complex CPD allocation algorithms ensuring their members stay current. 

  • Easily manage multiple accreditation programs on the one platform and track CPD activities completed by learners to attain accreditation status

  • Generate certifications to the eligible members based on CPD allocation or accreditation

  • Flexible and easy to configure so that associations can setup their accreditation programs and activities in a few simple steps

  • Self record CPD activities completed outside of recognised Education Provider delivered activity.

  • Build dynamic pathways for your members/nonmembers to achieve different accreditations/certifications

  • Automate the calculation of the member/nonmember’s eligibility

  • Ability to expire the accreditation and setup alerts to be sent out automatically

  • Ability to expire activities and setup alerts to be sent out automatically

  • Generate list of members/non-members that are eligible to receive a certificate via email or print

CPD management software system wizBank Cyberwisdom

Coresoft’s CPD management product provides your organsiations professional members a personal portal to record continuing professional development (CPD) activities.

In house Events, Conference or Training activities that are managed in WorkCentre, the CPD points for that project can be assigned to an individual attendee or in bulk to all attendees Contacts record.

CPD Web extension

Members can manage their own CPD record online anytime through your organisations website. They will have the following options to;

  1. View CPD record

  2. Record CPD activities

  3. Plan future CPD activities

View CPD record

All CPD activities completed by the user are listed on their CPD page. The activities are displayed by;

  • Activity – Display In-house member activities and External activities, along with the Total hours achieved to date.

  • Group – Display by the Groups you have created

  • They can then simply click on the Activity Title to view the details of that Activity.

Record CPD activities

To enter other CPD activities can be recorded in the ‘Record your CPD’ area.

Plan future CPD

This feature enables users to set Learning Goals to plan and schedule future CPD activities they may undertake.

Why CloudCentre?

With extensive experience in providing solutions to a wide variety of membership-based organisations, we have learnt a great deal about the challenges faced by the industry and how they have used our software to improve service delivery and internal efficiencies. As a result, we are able to offer our customers innovative solutions that meet their entire operating requirements.

Industry knowledge and experience

  • Coresoft understands the industry and is able to provide best practice, process-driven solutions which increases efficiency in your work processes.

  • Our unique approach to software design enables our solutions to be deployed rapidly giving you measurable and immediate return on investment.

  • We ‘speak your language’ resulting in fast installation and implementation.

Tried and Proven

  • We have implemented Coresoft within many membership organisations, ranging in size from two users to 250 users.

  • You gain immediately from the know-how of these organisations using the system.

Flexible and customisable

  • Coresoft is an open system which allows other applications to be built on the same platform.

  • Coresoft’s N-tier platform provides the ability to customise workflow requirements and integrate to external applications without affecting future upgrades.

No Software Hassles

  • With cloud-based applications, there is no need to install software or make updates – lowering costs and reducing hassle for IT. Upgrades are automatic so you always have the latest version.

Support, maintenance and upgrades

  • Coresoft provides complete and up-to-date user documentation.

  • We provide reliable and fast turnaround support.

  • Maintenance includes upgrades so the latest features are readily available to you.

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